
How CDN Works and What Advantages Does It Offer?


How CDN Works and What Advantages Does It Offer?

How CDN works?

Websites and applications need to load quickly and reliably to meet user expectations and in perspect of SEO. However, as websites and applications become more complex and data-intensive, delivering content over the internet can become slow and cumbersome. This is where a content delivery network (CDN) comes into play. In this article, we will discuss how CDNs work and their importance in modern internet infrastructure.

What is a CDN?

A CDN is a network of servers distributed across the globe that work together to deliver web content to end-users more efficiently. When a user requests content from a website or application, the CDN selects the server closest to the user’s geographic location, and the content is delivered from that server instead of the origin server. This reduces the distance that data needs to travel, resulting in faster load times and improved performance.

How do CDNs work?

To understand how CDNs working, let’s look at the typical process of serving web content without a CDN:

  1. A user requests content from a website or application.
  2. The request is sent to the origin server of websiteor application.
  3. The origin server processes the request, retrieves the content, and sends it back to the user.

However, with a CDN, the process is a bit different:

  1. A user requests content from a website or application.
  2. The request is sent to the nearest CDN server, rather than the origin server.
  3. The CDN server caches the content and delivers it to the user.

CDNs use a technique called edge caching, where cached content is stored on servers closer to the end-users, also known as “edge servers.” By caching content on edge servers, CDNs can reduce the distance that data needs to travel, resulting in faster load times and improved performance.

CDNs also use a technique called load balancing, where traffic is distributed across multiple servers to avoid overloading any one server. Load balancing ensures that the CDN can handle high levels of traffic and deliver content quickly and reliably.

Benefits of using a CDN

  1. Improved Performance: CDNs can improve website and application performance by reducing latency, increasing download speeds, and improving the overall user experience. It alsohelps to improve the SEO of website.
  2. Increased Reliability: CDNs can distribute traffic across multiple servers, ensuring that website and application content is available even if one server fails. This technique also reduces the risk of DDoS attacks.
  3. Lower Costs: CDNs can reduce bandwidth costs by serving cached content from edge servers, reducing the amount of data that needs to be delivered from the origin server.
  4. Global Reach: CDNs have a network of servers distributed across the globe, making it easier to deliver content to users in different regions.

Why do I suggest using a CDN with every web application?

Behind use of CDN, my primary aim is to enhance the speed of my website. However, Cloudflare (Free CDN) stands out by offering a broader range of services beyond just caching content. While speeding up website loading times remains a key objective, Cloudflare also provides additional functionalities such as security features including DDoS protection and Web Application Firewall (WAF), performance optimizations like image optimization and mobile asset acceleration, as well as analytics and insights into website traffic and performance metrics. Therefore, my adoption of Cloudflare extends beyond solely accelerating website delivery; it encompasses a comprehensive strategy to improve website security, performance, and overall user experience.


A CDN is a network of servers that work together to deliver web content more efficiently. CDNs use edge caching and load balancing techniques to improve performance, reliability, and reduce costs. As websites and applications continue to become more complex and data-intensive, CDNs are becoming an increasingly important component of modern internet infrastructure. CDNs helps to improve security as well improve SEO of websites.

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