
Documentation: URL Indexing with Python


Documentation: URL Indexing with Python

This script is designed to asynchronously index URLs using the Google Indexing API. It reads URLs from a CSV file, processes them in batches, and sends them for indexing. It provides support for multiple user accounts and handles errors gracefully.


  • tqdm: A fast, extensible progress bar for loops and iterables.
  • asyncio: Asynchronous I/O framework for concurrent code execution.
  • aiohttp: Asynchronous HTTP client/server framework.
  • os: Operating system interface for interacting with the filesystem.
  • pandas: Data manipulation and analysis library.
  • oauth2client.service_account: Library for handling OAuth2 credentials for service accounts.
  • json: Library for handling JSON data.


  • SCOPES: OAuth2 scopes required for authentication with the Google Indexing API.
  • ENDPOINT: API endpoint URL for submitting URL indexing requests.
  • URLS_PER_ACCOUNT: Maximum number of URLs to process per user account.


send_url(session, http, url)

Asynchronously sends a URL indexing request to the Google Indexing API.

  • session: aiohttp.ClientSession object for making HTTP requests.
  • http: OAuth2 token for authorization.
  • url: URL to be indexed.

indexURL(http, urls)

Asynchronously indexes multiple URLs.

  • http: OAuth2 token for authorization.
  • urls: List of URLs to be indexed.


Sets up the OAuth2 client for authorization using the provided JSON key file.

  • json_key_file: Path to the JSON key file containing service account credentials.


Main entry point of the script. Reads URLs from a CSV file, processes them for indexing, and prints the results.


  1. Check if the required CSV file (data.csv) exists.
  2. Prompt the user to enter the number of user accounts to process URLs for (between 1 and 5).
  3. Read all URLs from the CSV file.
  4. Process URLs for each user account sequentially:
    • Retrieve OAuth2 token for authorization.
    • Partition URLs into batches based on the URLS_PER_ACCOUNT constant.
    • Asynchronously index each batch of URLs.
  5. Print the total number of URLs processed, successful URLs, and URLs with error code 429 (Too Many Requests).
  6. Handle keyboard interrupts gracefully to pause or exit the script.


  1. Ensure the required dependencies are installed.
  2. Prepare a CSV file (data.csv) containing the URLs to be indexed.
  3. Create service account JSON key files (account1.json, account2.json, etc.) for each user account.
  4. Run the script and follow the prompts to specify the number of user accounts.
  5. Monitor the progress and review the indexing results.

Error Handling

  • The script retries failed URL indexing requests up to three times.
  • It handles server disconnection errors (ServerDisconnectedError) gracefully by retrying after a brief delay.
  • It prints a custom error message if a URL fails to index after multiple retries.
  • It provides a pause/resume mechanism to interrupt execution and resume later.

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