Author: Nishant

How do you Define Relationships in Eloquent?

interview 24. Laravel, the PHP framework that has taken the development …

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How do you Perform Eager Loading in Eloquent? (Laravel)

Introduction Eager loading in Eloquent is a technique to optimize database …

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What is Laravel Sanctum, and How is it Used for API Authentication?

Introduction Laravel Sanctum is a lightweight authentication package designed for single-page …

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How to Host Your Website on GitHub for Free with GitHub Pages

How to Host Website on GitHub for Free How to Host …

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Documentation: URL Indexing with Python

This script is designed to asynchronously index URLs using the Google …

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Automating URL Indexing with Python: A Deep Dive into the Google Indexing API

In today’s digital landscape, ensuring that your website’s content is discoverable …

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Explain the Purpose of the storage and public Directories in Laravel

Introduction Laravel, a robust PHP framework, incorporates a thoughtful file organization …

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What are Policies in Laravel, and How are They Used for Authorization?

In the expansive landscape of web development, ensuring proper authorization is …

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Mobile Cloud Computing Architecture

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, mobile cloud computing architecture stands …

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Laravel Jobs

A Comprehensive Guide to Laravel Jobs: Streamlining Asynchronous Tasks in Your Application

Laravel Jobs: Streamlining Asynchronous Tasks in Your Application In the ever-evolving …

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Software Development Cycle

The Hardest Part of the Software Development Cycle

Software development, while empowering in its ability to innovate and transform …

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Managing User Authentication: Logging Out with Laravel Passport

In the realm of API development with Laravel Passport, user authentication …

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