HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is the primary language for structuring web pages. It collaborates with CSS and JavaScript to define content, appearance, and behavior. HTML comprises elements enclosed in angle brackets, encompassing various webpage components like headings, paragraphs, images, and links. The standard structure includes the , , and elements. HTML facilitates hyperlink creation through the tag, enabling seamless navigation between web pages. HTML5, the latest version, introduces new elements and attributes, enhancing web functionality and accessibility. In essence, HTML serves as the foundation for creating structured, interactive web content, essential for web development and design.

HTML tags and elements
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HTML tags and elements are fundamental building blocks used to create web pages.

Here is an overview of these key concepts:

  1. Tags:

    • HTML tags are the markup elements used to define the structure and content of a web page.
    • Tags are enclosed in angle brackets < >.
    • Most tags come in pairs: an opening tag and a closing tag, with content nested in between.
    • Opening tags indicate the beginning of an element, while closing tags mark the end.
    • Example: <p> is an opening tag for a paragraph element, and </p> is its corresponding closing tag.
  2. Elements:

    • An HTML element consists of an opening tag, content, and a closing tag (sometimes closing tags not applicable).
    • Elements can be nested within each other to create hierarchical structures.
    • Each element may have attributes, which provide additional information about the element.
    • Example:
      <a href="">This is a link</a>
      • <a> is the anchor element.
      • href is an attribute that specifies the URL the link points to.
      • "" is the value of the href attribute.
      • Learn Coding is the content of the anchor element.
  3. Common HTML Tags:

    • <h1> to <h6>: Headings (from largest to smallest).
    • <p>: Paragraph.
    • <a>: Anchor (creates hyperlinks).
    • <img>: Image.
    • <ul>: Unordered list.
    • <ol>: Ordered list.
    • <li>: List item.
    • <table>: Table.
    • <tr>: Table row.
    • <td>: Table cell.
    • <div>: Division (used for grouping and styling).
    • <span>: Inline division (used for styling inline elements).

Understanding HTML tags and elements is important for structuring content and creating visually appealing and functional web pages. By using the appropriate tags and elements, you can organize content, apply styling, and add interactivity to your web pages effectively.

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