
How to Host Your HTML Page Online for Free?

host html page online

How to Host Your HTML Page Online for Free?

How to Host Your HTML Page Online for Free?

In today’s digital age, having an online presence is essential, whether you’re showcasing a portfolio, launching a business, or simply sharing your passion project with the world. One of the fundamental steps in establishing this presence is hosting your HTML page online. Fortunately, there are several options available that allow you to do this without breaking the bank. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of hosting your HTML page online for free.

What is Hosting mean?

Before we delve into the steps, let’s quickly understand what hosting entails. Hosting is essentially the process of making your website accessible to others on the internet. When you host your HTML page, you’re essentially storing your files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, etc.) on a server that is connected to the internet. This server then serves those files to visitors when they access your website.

Step 1: Create Your HTML Page

The first step is to create your HTML page. You can use any text editor to write your HTML code, such as Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (Mac), or more advanced code editors like Visual Studio Code, Notepad++ or Sublime Text. Write your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code to design your webpage according to your preferences.

Step 2: Choose a Free Hosting Provider

There are several free hosting providers that allow you to host static HTML pages without any cost. Some popular options include GitHub Pages, Netlify, and Firebase Hosting. In this guide, we’ll use GitHub Pages as an example.

Step 3: Host Your HTML Page with GitHub Pages

1. Sign up for a GitHub Account

If you don’t have one already, sign up for a GitHub account at It’s free and straightforward to create an account.

2. Create a New Repository

Once you’re logged in, click on the “+” icon in the top right corner of the screen and select “New repository.” Give your repository a name (for example, “my-website”) and optionally add a description.

3. Upload Your HTML Files

Now, you’ll need to upload your HTML files to the repository you just created. Click on the “Add file” dropdown and select “Upload files.” Drag and drop your HTML file, along with any other related files (CSS, JavaScript, images) into the repository.

4. Enable GitHub Pages

Once your files are uploaded, go to the “Settings” tab of your repository. Scroll down to the “GitHub Pages” section. Under “Source,” select “main” (or “master” depending on your repository’s default branch) from the dropdown menu, then click “Save.”

Step 4: Access Your Hosted HTML Page

After enabling GitHub Pages, your HTML page should now be live on the internet! You can access it by navigating to https://<your-username><repository-name>, replacing <your-username> with your GitHub username and <repository-name> with the name of your repository.

List of 20 HTML page hosting services

Here is the list 20platforms, where you can host your Static Website for FREE.

  1. GitHub Pages: Allows you to host static websites directly from your GitHub repositories.
  2. Netlify: Offers continuous deployment, SSL, and custom domain support for static websites.
  3. Firebase Hosting: A platform from Google that provides fast and secure hosting for static and dynamic content.
  4. Surge: Simple, single-command web publishing for static sites.
  5. Vercel: Provides hosting for both static and dynamic websites with features like automatic SSL and continuous deployment.
  6. GitLab Pages: Allows you to host static websites directly from GitLab repositories.
  7. Heroku: Offers a free tier for hosting dynamic web applications with support for various programming languages.
  8. Amazon S3: Amazon’s cloud storage service can be used to host static websites with low cost or even free in certain cases.
  9. Render: Provides free hosting for static websites with automatic SSL and custom domain support.
  10. Neocities: A simple and free platform for hosting static websites with an easy-to-use interface.
  11. InfinityFree: Offers free web hosting with unlimited disk space and bandwidth for static and dynamic websites.
  12. 000webhost: Provides free web hosting with PHP, MySQL, cPanel, and no forced ads.
  13. Freehostia: Offers free and feature-rich web hosting with support for PHP, MySQL, and an easy-to-use control panel.
  14. AwardSpace: Provides free web hosting with PHP, MySQL, and website builder tools.
  15. Google Cloud Storage: Similar to Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage can be used to host static websites with low cost or free options.
  16. Webflow: Offers a free tier for hosting static websites with a visual design interface.
  17. Hostinger: Provides free web hosting with PHP, MySQL, and an easy-to-use control panel.
  18. GitHub Repository Pages: You can host simple HTML pages directly from your GitHub repositories using the repository’s built-in GitHub Pages feature.
  19. GitHub Gist: Allows you to create simple HTML pages using GitHub Gists and access them via a unique URL.
  20. Bitbucket Pages: Similar to GitHub Pages, Bitbucket allows you to host static websites directly from your Bitbucket repositories.


Hosting your HTML page online for free is easier than ever with platforms like GitHub Pages. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can quickly get your webpage up and running without any cost. Whether you’re showcasing a project, building a portfolio, or sharing your creativity with the world, having your HTML page hosted online is the first step towards establishing your online presence. So go ahead, create your HTML page, choose a hosting provider, and let your creativity shine!

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